Home Birth Services
Pam Bell, the Certified Professional Midwife at Women’s Wisdom, offers individualized prenatal, birth and postpartum care customized to your needs and focusing on wellness. I have over 10 years of experience attending over 300 births births as primary midwife. I would love the opportunity to have you join the Women’s Wisdom family. Our clients have wonderful things to say about our practice - just take a look at the birth stories here on our website!
While I check in with you and your baby regularly, I know that YOU are the one who provides the real prenatal care for your baby, as you make healthy choices every day. I approach pregnancy as a normal part of life during our 45 to 60 minute-long prenatal visits, providing suggestions to help you care for yourself during pregnancy by eating well, engaging in a healthy level of activity, and keeping stress low. I can help address common pregnancy complaints through holistic or more mainstream means, depending on your preference. I support a proactive approach to staying low-risk during pregnancy and birth and strive to put the tools to do so into your hands.
Photo Credit: Cincy Birth Stories
Prenatally, clients are seen in-office or at their home monthly until 28 weeks, every other week until 36 weeks and then weekly until birth. I attend your birth from active labor through 2-3 hours postpartum. I know that you know how to birth your baby and we are there if you need us.
I view postpartum as a unique time in building your family, as the relationship between parent and child is established. Recovery from pregnancy and birth as well as baby's transition to life outside the womb are the focus. I provide two in-home visits after birth at 24-36 hours and 3-5 days postpartum, with additional visits within the first 6 weeks.
I am experienced in lactation/breastfeeding assistance and in facilitating water birth (also offering tub rental) and land birth.
My practice is comfortable supporting births using Bradley method, Hypnobabies, Hypnobirthing, Lamaze, and others and we encourage the use of a doula or other labor support should the family wish.
Women’s wisdom offers:
Photo Credit: Cincy Birth Stories
Individualized, personal care with a holistic focus
Hour long prenatal visits
Optional water birth with tub rental
Continuous support from active labor through 2-3 hours postpartum
Two in home postpartum visits at 24-36 hours and 3-5 days after delivery with additional visits in the first 6 weeks
Skilled breastfeeding support
Women's Wisdom is an inclusive practice and welcomes clients who have doula support, partner support or who are unpartnered. We are LGBTQIA-friendly, and are open to supporting religious and non-religious clients in the Greater Cincinnati Area.